Excluding the obvious reasons for refrigerated semen and frozen semen, we will say that with the use of fresh semen the reasons that can lead to the use of artificial insemination can be:

• avoid the transmission of pathologies through sexual intercourse (herpes canis, bacterial infections, etc.);

• eliminate the risk of injuries caused by one or both subjects; reduce the emotional stress of both male and female

• reduce the physical stress of the male, especially in large or elderly subjects

• overcoming inhibition problems in males

• overcome female inhibition problems

• have the possibility to improve the quality of the semen produced (remember that any extender used must contain a trio of bacteria that control the bacterial proliferation normally present in the estrus period which can give rise to: vaginal discharge, bacterial infections, endometritis and pyometra)

Chilled or frozen semen?

The semen can be stored for short periods of time by refrigeration (about 48 hours) and subsequent heating or for long periods by freezing and used after thawing (indefinite time);

The advantages of the two methods are easy to understand:

refrigeration allows the transport of the semen;

freezing, in addition to allowing the transport of the semen, allows the preservation of the genetic material for an indefinite time

Product added to compare.